Residential / Strata
Condition Report
Contract – Execution
Defects List
Project – Management
Project – Technical Supervision
Scope of Works
Tender – Documents
Tenders – Managing
Tenders – Response Analysis
Civil Drafting / Design
On-Site Detention
On-Site Retention
Minor Subdivisions
Design of water mains, sewage mains and Teralba 2 WWPS, as part of the Billy’s Lookout subdivision for the McCloy Group.
Contract to Central Coast Council's water and sewerage asset management section. Scope includes project management and design for the delivery of Council's sewage pump station refurbishment program.
Design of Sydney Water sewage pump station SP1197. Scope included project management and design of the pump station as part of a design and construct contract with Zinfra.
Design of sewage pump station and rising main for the Charles Sturt University student accommodation development at their Port Macquarie Campuses.
Wyong Shire Council (Central Coast Council) Major Sewer Upgrade - Detailed design of the refurbishment / relocation of SPS’s T8, T8A, T22 B2 and B13.
Civil design manager for 200 villa seniors living development at Glenhaven (Living Choice).
Project Management for the design of round-a-bout at the intersection of Victoria Rd and Charlton St, Woy Woy (RMS).
Project Management for the design of two signalised intersections, located at Main Rd and Harrison St, Cardiff (Woolworths).
Creek rehabilitation and stabilisation works for Wyong Shire Councils 'Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Management Plan. Works include complete design and documentation of drawings and technical specifications for the creek works at Kite Cr, Hamlyn Terrace and Parkside Dr, Charmhaven (WSC).
Project Management for the intersection design at Prings Rd and The Pacific Highway. Design tasks include stormwater drainage design and utilities adjustments (Thomas Paul Constructions).